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Recommended Vaccinations


Rabies: This vaccine helps prevent a viral disease carried by rodents that can cause neurologic disease in your pets. All pets in Hopkins County are required to have a rabies vaccine every year.

DHPP/DHLPP (Distemper/Hepatitis/Parainfluenza/Parvovirus +/- Leptospirosis):
This vaccine helps protect your dog from multiple diseases capable of causing respiratory, neurologic, gastrointestinal, liver, and kidney disorders. Young puppies need to have at least three rounds of this vaccine every 3 to 4 weeks to properly develop their immune system.

Then the vaccine becomes a yearly booster to continue protection throughout your dog’s life. For those dogs who spend a lot of time outside, the vaccine containing protection against leptospirosis will be used.

Bordatella: This vaccine helps protect your dog from a component of upper respiratory disease commonly known as “kennel cough”. It is very important for those dogs who frequently travel to boarding kennels, grooming facilities, or shows and competitions, all places where dogs are likely to contract this bacterial disease.

Depending on your dog’s travel schedule, this vaccine may be needed at six- or twelve-month intervals.


Rabies: Just like in dogs, this vaccine is required every year in Hopkins County to help protect your cat from contracting this neurologic disease from rodents.

FVRCP (Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis/Calicivirus/Panleukopenia): This vaccine helps protect your cat from a couple different respiratory viruses as well as a virus that causes severe gastrointestinal disease.

Kittens usually are given two rounds of this vaccine about a month apart to help them develop immunity and then they are given a booster yearly to help provide protection throughout their life.

Feline Leukemia: This vaccine helps protect your cat from contracting a disease that destroys their bone marrow production, a disease they can contract from being bitten by other infected cats.

Because most indoor cats are not at risk for contracting this disease, this is an optional vaccine reserved for those animals who are going to spend a lot of time outside. Like the FVRCP vaccine, this requires two shots about one month apart initially and then yearly boosters.